There are two major parts in this project. The first is to color the seats inside of the stadium. Then the body frame is created based on the actual structural frame which include the surface frame and vertical truss are finished by using Dynamo.
1. Seating colors
There are three different layers of seats in the stadium as the figures below. Level 1 and Level 2 seats models are created by using four curve units and level 3 seats model is made up of two semicircle units. The coloring process will based on these model units.Because Superdome Stadium is mainly used as for New Orleans Saints home games, using color of seats to reveal the team name and the city name is a good idea. For Level1 and Level2 seats, I change the color by override a image. The pictures below show the color and dynamo program. The selected surface is divided into sets of points based on the given U and V value. Then the color image is also divided into pixels which corresponding the surface. Next, using "adaptive component by point" and "Override color in View" to change the panels color based on image.
For the seats in level 3, I use a different Dynamo code to render the seating colors. It is a method that import data from Excel sheet. Different from the previous levels, this model is editted in the mass family. Firstly, I create three colors, black and old gold from the football team primary color, white is the third one. Then, an spread sheet is created and showed in below. Three numbers represent three colors. After that, the dynamo code is create to link the numbers in sheet to the color in the menu. Finally, using the "SetParameterByName" to assign the color to each seat. The result shows a chessboard color arrangement.
2. Surface frame and vertical truss.
In the second part, I focus on the structural elements for this model. Although a frame was created in the project1, that was just a general configuration and the frame and surface were separated. I optimize the structure desgin by using dynamo. Pictures below show the actual structure of Superdome and my thoughtabout the structure.
First I create the surface frame and surface panel. The Dynamo program for these two are similar. The first thing to do is to select the curve lines of the mass model and use them to create a polycurve. Then, using the "UV Quad On Surface" node to create points on the surface. After that, assigning the materials to the surface according to the points we have.
This method can be used for both surface frames and surface panels, but one thing need to be careful is the location about panels and frames. We don't want to them overlap together. So when I create the panel family, I move it slightly above the plane and the height is the same of frame thickness. In this way, we can create a panel that "paved" on the frame.
The next part is to create the vertical truss that supporting the surface frames and panels. Two different types of truss are used, one is the triangular truss and another is the main column. The mechanism of this Dynamo code is to 1) selecting face and edge of the model, 2) creating cutting plane on the selected and use them cut the surface, 3) choosing certain points on the cutting curve, 4) assigning adaptive family to those points.
After all the individual Dynamo files are finished, they are applied to one model project. The following pictures shows the process.